Planner Tips


Weather events are the one thing that even the most competent and organized meeting planner cannot control – and are the only "events" that a Continue Reading


Events can be notoriously difficult to plan, promote and execute.  Today the use of social media is one tool that planners can utilize for networking Continue Reading


If you plan conferences or special events, ignoring the mobile app revolution is no longer an option. With thousands of applications available for a variety Continue Reading


A special thanks goes out to, who highlighted us as one of 10 Useful Sites for meeting planners, saying, " If a planner wants Continue Reading


The holidays are in full-swing, and often that means that lots of excited brides will soon emerge onto the market.  Whether they come to you Continue Reading


Charged with planning the menu for your holiday party?  Stay on top of the latest trend, and create some unforgettable food-drink pairings. Ditch the traditional Continue Reading


Halloween’s fast approaching, and if you’re in charge of planning a Halloween event or party, there’s certainly a ton of options for you.  In fact, Continue Reading


When the last floor has been swept after your event, you probably want to kick your feet up way more than evaluate your event’s success. Continue Reading


It’s that time of year again. The air’s getting crisper, school’s starting, and NFL football season will soon be upon us. But before those NFL Continue Reading


Attending conferences is something I enjoy, but driving into an unknown region or city is not.  I recently attended a conference for marketers at a Continue Reading


The holidays and special occasions come around so often that it seems like we've just taken down the tinsel and mistletoe before we are decorating Continue Reading


We all love parties, the holidays and special occasions, but with each celebration comes the opportunity to spend a lot of cash on decorations, food, Continue Reading