

Have you ever been searching for specific information online only to find pages of information to wade through before finding it? Sometimes, after scrolling through Continue Reading


When you call a business, what is the average time it takes to actually talk to a human being? How much  business do you think Continue Reading


The current economic conditions have forced many of us to reevaluate our summer travel plans. The week in the Mediterranean and the extended island retreat Continue Reading


I just returned home from beautiful San Jose, California, host to 2009 HSMAI’s Affordable Meetings West Conference & Exposition. The show was great and the Continue Reading


Michigan has long been a center of industry, and not just in the auto industry. Motown Records as one venerable headliner in the entertainment industry, Continue Reading


Houston has more earned nicknames than most anywhere else in the United States. Early on, it was dubbed Magnolia City, it is called Space City Continue Reading


Orange County is the heartland of Southern California. From when Walt Disney first decided to put Disneyland in the middle of orange orchards back in Continue Reading


Our good friends and members, Hofstra University, will play host tonight to the third and final US Presidential debate. Talk about pressure! There is no Continue Reading


OK. So Affordable Meetings National this year in Washington, DC totally ROCKED! The Unique Venues section had 29 cool venues in it, from conference centers Continue Reading


Finally, we have some stats on the size and scope of the meetings industry in Canada. Kudos to MPI Foundation Canada for conducting this research. Continue Reading


I received a response to my blog asking when I had hair. Believe it or not, I still have hair (except a small patch up Continue Reading


The University of Utah Guest House prevailed as the winning venue in the Unique Venues/ACCED-I Rock Band Competition at the Annual ACCED-I conference held in Continue Reading